
Get the most out of your time and mental resources

Learn the science behind your cognitive ability and build simple habits that make it easier to get things done than to put them off.

No credit card required

Productivity, efficiency

Procrastination, wasting mental resources

Work-life balance, time for important tasks

Time poverty, treadmill syndrome

A little bit of science

Our minds on autopilot

Most of our decisions are made without conscious thought.
Our brain does everything it can to avoid the thought process.
This mental shortcut helps us navigate everyday tasks.
But it can also lead to procrastination and poor choices when it comes to important decisions.
Don't forget to send John the information he requested.
High priority
Three days left
Instant reaction
What was that again?
Okay, I have time, I'll do it later.
Let's tackle the straightforward tasks first.
Straightforward tasks
Low priority
Social networks
Low priority
Low priority
Video games
Low priority

Why our brain appears lazy

The brain consumes 20% of the body's metabolic energy.
This is more than 100 times the energy used by a smartphone each day.
The brain uses about the same amount of energy as all our muscles combined.
The human nervous system actively conserves energy.
  • The brain prioritizes survival over long-term goals.

  • Procrastination is a defense mechanism.

  • Motivation doesn't create action; action creates motivation.

  • Discipline is a consequence, not a cause.

Set your autopilot with Tagias

Stop the drain of mental energy

Your mental energy needs to be managed wisely, as both important and trivial tasks can drain it.
- Streamline your approach to reduce mental effort.
- Eliminate activities that waste mental energy and slow you down.

Spend minutes to save hours

Take 5-10 minutes to plan your day.
Each entry should be so clear that no questions arise later.
Tagias AI will assist you, but only you can approve the final entries to ensure there's no hesitation.
- Minimize repetitive thoughts.
- Each task should start with a verb in its infinitive form.
Don't forget to send John the information he requested.
High priority
Three days left
- This task can lead to resistance when starting.
- There's uncertainty about what specific information John needs.
- The negative phrasing ("Don't forget") unintentionally emphasizes the possibility of forgetting.
- Reframe the task to start with a verb in its infinitive form.
- Clearly specify the information and format needed for the task.

Split your task into straightforward actions

Goals, projects, deliverables, and even tasks are made up of simple steps.
Only straightforward actions belong in your task list.
- Always provide full context—your future self will thank you.
- Ideally, each task should be as easy to complete as it is to write down.
Don't forget to send John the information he requested.
High priority
Three days left
Straightforward tasks
Request the latest sales data from the Sales Department.
Forward the sales data received from the Sales Department to John.

Never miss a thing

Whether you're driving, working, or on a walk, use your voice to capture thoughts and add as much context as possible.
Tagias will organize your input into tasks, ready and waiting in your inbox for processing at a convenient time.
- Always offload your thoughts to external storage.
- Turn off unnecessary notifications and check your inboxes on a set schedule.
John requested for sales information that I have. Needs to be updated in the sales department.
Request the sales data for the Sales Department.
Forward data received from the Sales Department to John.

Replenish mental energy and maintain long-term productivity.

Growth happens during rest. Just like muscles grow after we rest, not during training, your brain consolidates temporary memories into long-term ones while you sleep. Taking breaks is essential for lasting productivity.

Get enough sleep

Getting enough sleep should always be your top priority.
Unformulated thoughts, unwritten details, and unplanned tasks stress your brain, even if you don't realize it, and wake you up in the middle of the night.
Using Incompletion Trigger before bed helps to improve the quality of sleep.
- Basically you want to prioritize sufficient sleep over everything else.
Health care, home/household, family, job, customers, commitments/promises...
John requested for sales information that I have. Needs to be updated in the sales department.
Request the sales data for the Sales Department.
Forward data received from the Sales Department to John.
No credit card required

Productivity, efficiency

Procrastination, wasting mental resources

Work-life balance, time for important tasks

Time poverty, treadmill syndrome


30 days free. No cards required to start.

Billed monthy


Billed yearly
